Latest Zong Chat Zone Service 2011

Zong introduces an SMS based social network, named as Zong Chat Zone.
Now Make small talk, Tell a story, Stay in touch with friends; make new contacts, Give your social life a new makeover with Zong Chat Zone.
This service also allows you to directly call each other any time, a chat ID will be assigned to you and your contacts via SMS.
Salient Features:
* Start talking with Direct Chat: A chat ID will be assigned to you and your contacts via SMS, enabling you to directly call each other any time.
* Voice Messaging: Send voice messages to friends.
* Check inbox: you have mail! All received messages will be queued to your very own inbox.
* Dedicate songs with personalized messages.
* Friends Corner: Your fan-list and friends now all in one place.

Zong Chat Zone Support Multiple languages;

* English
* Urdu
* Punjabi
* Pashto
* Rs. 1+tax/minute.
To Un-subscribe:
* SMS 24281 for UnSub, at a charge of Rs. 1 / SMS
How to Make a Profile?
* Set profile by Age & Gender
* Profile Intro – You have the option to use either one of the following;
1. Manual Intro – Announce yourself to the world. Record up to 40 seconds intro.
2. Custom intro – Choose from a variety of ready-made profile intros – complete with different music backgrounds.
3. Profile browsing – Interaction made easy. Browse profiles on the basis of your gender preference.
4. Profile Settings – Update any information related to your profile on our easy-to-use menu.

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